
The Mini-Deed:

An Armored Team Tournament

“All dressed up and nowhere to go” can mean something very different to those of you who regularly don plate harness. Thankfully, now you have somewhere very exciting to go.

This WMAW will have an ongoing tournament for armored combatants. Participants will form a Company—a team of 4 to 9 competitors. Companies will fight against another Company, where team members will individually face off one-on-one with sword, spear and dagger. Teams will be eliminated until one Company remains victorious.


Rules & Equipment



Interested in joining?

Form your Company and apply by e-mailing Walker Skaggs your Company name and roster. There is a maximum of 3 Companies allowed, and are admitted on a first come, first serve basis. You may, however contact us to modify or add more to your roster (maximum of 9 per team) at a later date. Want to compete but don’t have a company? E-mail Walker and he’ll help find you a spot in an existing company.

Full rules and equipment regulations can be found on this page. All combatants are expected to have a complete plate harness in accordance with those rules. When contacting us to register, please send us a photo of the harness you will be fighting for pre-approval, as well as any notes of changes that may happen to your kit by WMAW.

Walker’s email: